Spring and Summer Fun!
After the coziness of winter it's finally time to get out there and enjoy the natural world- Let's go!
Clients of all ages can practice using the vocabulary, motor planning skills and joy of therapy while in the park playing, hiking, climbing and exploring.
Kids: Use those new vocabulary skills to collect things in a category of your choosing
(smooth, bumpy,green) then go home and make an art project or start a small collection box.
Practice skipping, running and climing at the playground by creating an obsticle course.
Adults: Use those new vocabulary words to talk to new friends, order a fancy coffee, describe the flowers you see to friends and family, tell the story you wish to tell at a fun resturant - use your strategies - take your time!
Go to a park with exercise equipment and practice your therapy routines while getting the wonderful fresh air of the seasion.
Whatever you choose getting out in the world is fun for everyone.