Spring and Summer Fun!
After the coziness of winter it's finally time to get out there and enjoy the natural world- Let's go! Clients of all ages can practice...
It's March! Time to step it up and move ahead with your goals! Here at GMT we are thinking about staying motivate to make things happen!...
Back to school after the Pandemic
Growing Minds Therapeutics is back to in person therapy sessions. Board of Education sessions go from Sept.6 2022 - June 27, 2023 When...
Pacifier Use and Speech Delay
I am often asked by parents, "Is having my child use a pacifier bad for them?" The answer to that question is, "It depends! " Many...
March Madness
March Madness is upon us. We can watch our favorite college basketball teams with friends, and we start looking ahead to the good weather...
Meeting Goals & Celebrating Culture
Enhance Vocabulary with these adventures.
Change and the word "AND"
This time of year is so busy, so bustling and so filled with opportunity. We find new beginnings and walk toward endings. It is here...
Questions answered for Parents
At this time of year parents who are being welcomed to the world of IEPs and therapy for their family members have lots of questions, so...
Happy March!
March has finally arrived. In New York City, the month has started with a flurry, as it will be snowing for many days this week. Last...
How to Deal With Cyberbullies at a New School
Moving to a new school is an opportunity for your child to discover a new place, make friends, and reinvent herself. But for some kids,...